學年度 |
名稱 |
101 |
Wang, Y. R., Yu, C. Y., Chan, H. H. (2012) “Predicting construction cost and schedule success using artificial neural networks ensemble and support vector machines classification models”, International Journal of Project Management, 30 (4), p.p. 470–478 (SSCI) |
101 |
Wang, Y. R. and Kung, H.L. (2012) “Applying genetic algorithms for construction quality auditor assignment in public construction projects” Automation in Construction, Vol. 22, pp. 459–467 (SCI, EI) |
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Fan, S.L., Sun K.S. and Wang, Y.R. (2012) “GA Optimization Model for Repetitive Projects with Soft Logics”, Automation in Construction Vol. 21, pp.253-261 (SCI/EI) |
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Chen,Y. J., Feng, C. W., Wang, Y. R., and Wu, H. M. (2011) “Using BIM Model and Genetic Algorithms to Optimize the Crew Assignment for Construction Project Planning”, International Journal of Technology, 2 (3), pp. 179-188 (EI) |
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Wang, Y. R., and Yu, C. Y. (2011) “Predicting Project Success Using ANN-Ensemble Classification Models” 2011 International Conference on Industrial and Intelligent Information, A-025 (EI) |
099 |
Wang, Y.R. and Gibson, G. E. (2010) “A Study of Preproject Planning and Project Success Using ANN and Regression Models”, Automation in Construction, 19 (3), pp. 341-436 (SCI/EI) |
095 |
Gibson G.E., Wang, Y.R., Cho C., and Pappas M. (2006), “What is Preproject Planning, Anyway?”, Journal of Management in Engineering, 22 (1), pp. 36-42 (SCI/EI) |