王廷魁 副教授
電子信箱: tingkwei@nkust.edu.tw
授課領域:營建管理、建築資訊模型(BIM) 、工程資訊管理、研究方法、工程經濟、工程估價、管理學
1. [SCI] Liu, P., Yang, Z., Huang, J. and Wang, T.-K*. (2024), "The effect of augmented reality applied to learning process with different learning styles in structural engineering education", Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-06-2023-0596
2. [SCI] Mao, W., Ran, K., Wang, T.-K*., Yu, A., Lv, H. and Chen, J.-H. (2024), "An optimization model for just-in-time (JIT) delivery of precast components considering 3D loading constraints, real-time road conditions and assembly time", Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-04-2023-0372
3. [SCI] Wang, T. K.*, & Duan, W. (2023). Generative design of floor plans of multi-unit residential buildings based on consumer satisfaction and energy performance. Developments in the Built Environment, 100238.
4. [SCI] Wu, Z., Ran, K., Lv, H., & Wang, T. K*. (2023). Generative design: Integrating rent and retail compatibility goals for automated tenant mix layout. Journal of Building Engineering, 107845.
5. [SCI] Chen, J. H.*, Pan, H. H., Wang, T. K., & Wei, H. H. (2023). Housing Transfer Inspection: What Are the Priorities?. Buildings13(10), 2573.
6. [SCI] Xu, Wenpei, and Ting-Kwei Wang*. "Construction Worker Safety Prediction and Active Warning Based on Computer Vision and the Gray Absolute Decision Analysis Method." ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 149.4 (2023): 04023014.
7. [SCI] Deng, Z., He, X., Chai, Y., & Wang, T. K*. (2023). An Investment Decision Model for Underground Urban Utility Tunnel Based on MIVES and Real Option Theory from a Sustainable Perspective. Sustainability15(9), 7711.
8. [SCI] Chai, Ying Tao, and Ting-Kwei Wang. "Evaluation and decision-making framework for concrete surface quality based on computer vision and ontology." Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 30.10 (2023): 4881-4913.
9. [SCI] Keqing Li, Ting-Kwei Wang*, Anyuan Yu, Jieh-Haur Chen  "The Influence of Mutual Assistance of Construction Workers with Different Personality Traits on Team Safety." Computational Intelligence & Neuroscience (2022).
10. [SCI] Wang, Ting-Kwei, Zeqing Wu, and Chunyan Luo*. "Multi-participant construction waste demolition and transportation decision-making system." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 170 (2021): 105575.

11. [SCI] Piao, Y., Xu, W., Wang, Ting-Kwei *, & Chen, J. H. (2021). "Dynamic fall risk assessment framework for construction workers based on dynamic Bayesian network and computer vision." ASCE Journal of construction engineering and management, 147(12), 04021171.
12. [SCI] Wang, Ting-Kwei, et al. "Competitive location selection of a commercial center based on the vitality of commercial districts and residential emotion." ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development 147.1 (2021): 04021001.

13. [SCI] JH Chen*, HTT Nguyen, CC Chou, JP Wang, TK Wang. "Transit-Oriented Development: Exploring Citizen Perceptions in a Booming City, Can Tho City, Vietnam." Sustainability 13.3 (2021): 1370.

14. [SCI] JH Chen*, MC Su, VT Azzizi, TK Wang, WJ Lin. "Smart Project Management: Interactive Platform Using Natural Language Processing Technology." Applied Sciences 11.4 (2021): 1597.

15. [SCI/SSCI] Xu, W. and Wang, Ting-Kwei *. (2020), "Dynamic safety prewarning mechanism of human–machine–environment using computer vision", Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. 27 No. 8, pp. 1813-1833. https://doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-12-2019-0732

16. [SCI] Lv, Hongyue, and Ting-Kwei Wang*. "Development of a Nonlinear Integer Optimization Model for Tenant Mix Layout in a Shopping Centre." Advances in Civil Engineering 2020 (2020).

17. [SCI] Wang, Ting-Kwei *, Piao Y. "Development of BIM-AR-Based Facility Risk Assessment and Maintenance System."  ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2019, 33 (6): 04019068.

18. [SCI] Wang, Ting-Kwei, Ford, D., Chong, H. and Zhang, W*. (2018), "Causes of delays in the construction phase of Chinese building projects", Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. 25 No. 11, pp. 1534-1551

19. [SCI] Wang, Ting-Kwei, Huang J, Liao P C*, et al. "Does Augmented Reality Effectively Foster Visual Learning Process in Construction? An Eye- Tracking Study in Steel Installation." Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018, Article ID 2472167.

20. [SCI] Wang, Ting-Kwei *, Zhang Q, Chong H Y, et al. "Integrated supplier selection framework in a resilient construction supply chain: An approach via analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and grey relational analysis (GRA)." Sustainability, 2017, 9(2): 289.

21. 王廷魁, 喬麗豔. 基於BIM的施工現場材料管理問題研究[J]. 施工技術, 2017, 46(6):31-37. 6. 

22. 王廷魁, 顧星月, 楊喆文,等. 增強現實(AR)技術在設備維護中的應用[J]. 工程研究-跨學科視野中的工程, 2017, 9(2):173-180. 

23. 王廷魁, 王爭豔, 周滔. 新一線城市城市競爭力綜合評價與時間演變分析[J]. 建築經濟, 2017(10):78-84. 

24. 王廷魁, 鄧兢兢. 城市更新專案方案決策專家系統框架研究[J]. 城市發展研究, 2016, 23(9):47-53. 

25. 王廷魁, 鄧兢兢, 李驍. 基於內容分析法的BIM設計階段應用研究綜述[J]. 建築經濟, 2016(9) 

26. 王廷魁, 楊喆文. 案例對比分析BIM 與AR在施工現場培訓中的應用[J]. 施工技術, 2016(6):44-48. 

27. 王廷魁, 羅春燕, 張仕廉. 基於BIM的建築垃圾決策管理系統架構研究[J]. 施工技術, 2016(6):58-62. 

28. 蔡坤妤, 王廷魁. 地域性綠色建築設計初期的BIM應用[J]. 建築節能, 2015(12):44-50. 

29. 王廷魁;張倩. 基於BIM的房地產開發項目成本控制研究[J]. 建築經濟,2015,36(6):51-55. 

30. 王廷魁;胡攀輝;楊喆文.基於BIM與AR的施工品質控制研究[J]. 專案管理技術,2015,13(5):19-23. 

31. 王廷魁;胡攀輝. 基於BIM與AR的施工指導應用與評價[J]. 施工技術, 2015, 44(6): 54-58. 

32. 王廷魁;張睿奕. 基於BIM 的建築設備視覺化管理研究[J]. 工程管理學報, 2014, 28(3): 32-36. 

33. 王廷魁 孫秋蘭 鄭小晴. 基於BIM的建築物維修管理系統研究[J]. 建築經濟, 2014 (1). 

34. 王廷魁, 鄭嬌. 基於 BIM 的施工場地動態佈置方案評選[J]. 施工技術, 2014 (3): 72-76. 

35. 王廷魁, 胡攀輝, 王志美. 基於 BIM 與 AR 的全裝修房系統應用研究[J]. 工程管理學報, 2013, 27(4): 40-45. 

36. 王廷魁, 趙一潔, 張睿奕, 等. 基於 BIM 與 RFID 的建築設備運行維護管理系統研究[J]. 建築經濟, 2013 (11): 113-116. 

37. 王廷魁, 沈青, 周滔, 等. BIM技術在房地產項目規劃方案評價中的應用研究[J]. 建築經濟, 2013 (9): 87-90. 

38. 王廷魁, 杜長亮, 張巍, 等. 基於 BIM 的全裝修房個性化設計研究[J]. 工程設計學報, 2013, 20 (1): 44-48. 

39. 王英, 李陽, 王廷魁. 基於 BIM 的全壽命週期造價執行資訊系統架構研究[J]. 工程管理學報, 2012 (3): 22-27.

1.       陳柏翰, 張家祥, 張鈞皓, 賴偉豪, 蘇志穎, 王廷魁*(2022年07月)。擴充實境在不同現場施工作業中相對實用性與潛在效益探討。SCEM2022 第 26 屆營建工程與管理學術研討會。

2.       Lv H, Wang T, Lin Y. The Impact of Land Intensive Use on Urban Development Quality in Mountain City: A Case Study of Chongqing, China[J]. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2019.

3.       Wang T K, Qin C. Integration of BIM, Bayesian Belief Network, and Ant Colony Algorithm for Assessing Fall Risk and Route Planning[C]//Construction Research Congress 2018. 207-220.    

4.       Zhang H, Chi S, Yang J, et al. Efficient Safety Information Retrieval on Construction Sites: A Preliminary Methodology [C]// International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering, and Construction. 2012:679-686.

5.       Wang, T.-K., Li, Zhi., Evaluating design institutes’ perceptions of impact of building information modeling on design communication and coordination-A case study in China. Advanced Materials Science and Civil Engineering, 2015.

6.       Wang T K, O'Brien W J, Wakefield R R. A decision support tool for subcontractor multi-project resource allocation[J], ICCCBE 2010 The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 2010: 245-250.

7.       Wang, T.-K., O'Brien, W. J., and Wakefield, R. (2008). "Contractor’s Perspective of Schedule Mapping Approach--Problems and Challenges." Joint International Conference on Computing and Information Technology in Civil and Building Engineering, Beijing, China.

8.       O'Brien W J, Siddiqui M, Wang T K. Process Connectors: Distributed Schedule Coordination Via Alternative Exploration and Evaluation[C]// International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering. 2007:355-363.

9.       O'Brien W J, Wang T K, Siddiqui M K, et al. Process connectors: Linking distributed processes in the construction supply chain[C]//Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering. 2006: 2960-2969. 

10.       Siddiqui M K, O'Brien W J, Wang T K. A mapping based approach to schedule integration in heterogeneous environments[C]//Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering. 2006: 2615- 2624.

1.     基於電腦視覺的建築工人安全主動預警, 國科會, 111-2222-E-992-007-

2.     基於BIM的施工專案動態成本控制研究, 中國大陸教育部協同育人專案

3.     基於BIM模型的城市新區建設專案管理研究, 中國大陸國家科技支撐計畫子課題

4.     重慶市城鄉建設行業BIM發展規劃, 重慶市建設資訊中心 

5.     基於人工智慧的施工現場安全與風險決策機制, 中國大陸中央高校基金

6.     重慶建工BIM技術標準與實施導則, 重慶建工集團企業合作項目 

7.     基於HTML5/WebGL與AR技術的施工現場BIM模型Web流覽教學與品質管制, 中國大陸中央高校基金

8.     建築資訊模型(BIM)3D城市規劃管理研究, 中國大陸中央高校基金 

9.     基於BIM與GIS的可持續建築施工階段成本控制研究, 中國大陸中央高校基金

10.     建築資訊模型(BIM)對建築工程設計階段溝通協調工作的影響研究, 重慶市自然科學基金

11.   分包商資源重分配對總體專案費用的影響研究, 中國大陸中央高校基金



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